ni dia Anti Virus yang sudah premium gan mantap banget siapa yang gak kenal avira si payung merah ini andalan soal ngebasmi virus lokal sama internasiaonal saya juga menggunakan antivirus ini di pc saya masih aman-aman aja nih pc saya mantep banget.
Key features
"Protection from viruses, worms and Trojans
"Protection against spyware / adware
"Extra protection against email viruses (POP3)
"Protection against phishing
"Monitoring real-time
"Preventing download malicious files from the infected sites
"Scanning for viruses with a boot disk
"Verifying data downloaded from the Internet
download----Avira premium antivirus v10.0.0.624 Final 2011 full version
Have used AVG protection for many years, and I'd recommend this solution to everyone.